Дата: Ср, 09.05.12, 13:18 | Сообщение # 1
Looking for my mom

Hello, my name is Tereza Smilyanets (Тереза Смилянец) born on 14 June of 1996.
I'm seeking for a mom, her name is Gural Roxolyana (Гураль Роксоляна) and she was born on 11 March of 1971.

She left Ukraine for Toronto, Canada in 2004 year and since then I haven't heard about her almost for more than 5 years. All we know that she was living at 22 Riverwood Apt 310, Toronto, Ontario M8U4E1, Canada.

If you're reading this, mom, I love you very much.

Please, help me to find her.